Blog | Space

17. November 2023

“Spatial Figures in the Anthropocene” – The CRC 1265’s 5th international conference

Jonna Josties

What happens to scalar thinking when the analytical distinctions between global and local as well as human and non-human spaces no longer make sense, especially given the engagement with climate change and the planetary in the social sciences and humanities? These were the challenging questions that PIs Ignacio Farías and Silke Steets posed to the speakers and audience at the 5th international CRC symposium “Spatial Figures in the Anthropocene” on 5th and 6th October 2023. Scholars across regions and disciplines came together for two days of discussions, panels, coffee conversations, a metaverse animation, and a lecture performance to advance, share, and inspire thinking and activities on spatiality that address the anthropogenic impact on Earth.

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10. November 2023

Exploring Power and Space: A Recap of the CRC 1265 Summer School

Francesca Ceola | Nicole Oetke | Zoé Perko

How is power reflected in space and how is it recreated? How can practices contribute to (re)defining power relations in different spaces? These questions and many more were discussed during the International Participatory Summer School on “Power and Space”. The school brought together scholars from four continents across a wide range of disciplines. Organized by a team of doctoral researchers of the CRC, the school took a participatory approach by combining participant-led workshops and presentations with keynotes and workshops led by activists, scholars, and artists. Within this framework, participants reflected on theories of power and space, as well as their own positionality. Through excursions in Berlin, the school moved beyond the academic space, enabling participants to experience physical and political spaces in the city.

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19. March 2021

Energie, Infrastruktur und Herrschaft

Dr. Jannik Schritt

Wie lassen sich Energiewende, Demokratie und Ökonomie zusammendenken, um den Herausforderungen des Anthropozäns zu begegnen? Der Blogbeitrag skizziert aus einer räumlichen Perspektive, wie Energieinfrastrukturen nicht nur bestimmte Produktionsverhältnisse, sondern auch spezifische Herrschaftsmuster begünstigen. Während Kohle und insbesondere Erdöl kapitalistischen Oligopolismus und Autoritarismus befördern, bieten erneuerbare Energien durchaus postkapitalistische und demokratische Potenziale, wenn Energieautonomie mit lokalen Entscheidungsstrukturen und solidarischen Wirtschaftsformen ineinander ginge.

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4. June 2020

Shifting b/orders in times of the pandemic

Dr. Norbert Cyrus | Dr. Peter Ulrich

In a nutshell, the measures taken to stem the Covid-19 disease consist basically in the drawing of new and the thickening of existing borders. The strategy of bordering practices, as Norbert Cyrus & Peter Ulrich summarize these interventions against the spread of the Corona virus, was pursued first time in Wuhan, China: The right to leave and enter the city area had been restricted and movements across city borders became the subject of surveillance. Also, within the city area, the citizens’ freedom of movement was strictly restricted by imposing a curfew. Moreover, access to stores and working places was only allowed under certain restrictions.

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23. April 2020

Stadt und Menschenansammlungen in Zeiten des Coronavirus: Anmerkungen zu Brasilien.

Robertha Barros und Paulo Victor Melo schreiben über soziale Ungleichheit in Brasilien in Zeiten der Corona-Krise. Sie plädieren dafür, die Krise als Chance zum Umverteilen und Umdenken zu nutzen.

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6. April 2020

Learning to Dance: Social Distancing and the Refiguration of the Interaction Order

While the corona pandemic is spreading globally transgressing all borders, territories are being closed down in a radical way. And while on the one hand we are trying to convert our private and professional social relations to digital media communication, we find ourselves largely limited by the regulations of our governments to the living spaces of our households and the most minimal social contact (without closing them completely).

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1. April 2020

Dichotopia – The Refiguration of Spaces and the Security Society in Times of the Corona Risk

Prof. Dr. Hubert Knoblauch | Prof. Dr. Martina Löw

Using the concept of refiguration, Hubert Knoblauch and Martina Löw are initiating a first analysis of communicative action at times of corona pandemic.

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25. October 2019

Über Raum und Zeit. Im Gespräch mit Fraya Frehse

Dr. Fabian Gülzau | Julia Fülling | Fraya Frehse

Fraya Frehse, die an der Universidade de São Paulo eine Professur für Soziologie (insb. Stadt-, Raum- und Alltagssoziologie) hält, war vom 15.02. bis zum 31.08.2019 Gastwissenschaftlerin am SFB 1265. Wir haben sie am Ende ihres Aufenthaltes interviewt. Im Gespräch berichtet Fraya Frehse unter anderem von ihren Erfahrungen am SFB und ihrem Blick auf die deutsche Stadtsoziologie.

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