Working Group Profile

Mapping, or hybrid mapping methods, promises an innovative solution for combining, analyzing and visualizing highly heterogeneous data within a single research program. This has the effect of reducing the complexity that can result from such combinations of quantitative and qualitative data. In addition, the product of such analytical mapping processes provides a transparent and traceable ‘map’ of the analyses and interpretations within such multidimensional data combinations.

In our interdisciplinary working group, we critically discuss this promise by familiarizing ourselves with the common methods of mapping, reflecting on them theoretically and methodologically, and elaborating connections to existing social science methods in combination with practices from urban planning and architecture. Building on this, the objective of the working group is to develop and establish an independent interdisciplinary research program as a fundamental contribution to spatial research.

The institutional basis for this fruitful interdisciplinary exchange is the cooperation between TU Berlin and IRS within the framework of the CRC. As part of this exchange between architecture, urban planning and sociology, we are developing a program which theoretically and empirically examines “hybrid mapping” methods. Among other aspects, we address the following questions: What makes hybrid mapping a hybrid methodological tool? What are the differences as well as connecting points to conventional cartography? What can hybrid mapping contribute to interdisciplinary spatial research?

In the working group, we discuss spatial scientific and methodological literature on the one hand, and on the other hand we interpret collected data in data sessions using various mapping methods, thereby developing our own approaches.

The selection of topics and the agenda is decided at the end of each session based on questions arising from our discussions or upon request of participants. The meetings usually take place on a 4-week rhythm.

• SoSe 2021 Seminar “Hybrid Knowledge/Hybrid Space at the BGBM”, FG CUD, Institute of Architecture, TU Berlin (Jamie Scott Baxter, Séverine Marguin, Sophie Mélix and Jörg Stollmann).
• WS 2018-2019 Research Studio “Mapping the House of World Cultures – in the World”, FG CUD, Institute of Architecture, TU Berlin (Séverine Marguin, Dagmar Pelger and Jörg Stollmann)

Working Paper:
Baxter, J. S., Marguin, S., Mélix, S., Schinagl, M., Singh, A., & Sommer, V. (2021). Hybrid mapping methodology – a manifesto — Working Paper No. 9. Berlin: TU Berlin.


Jamie Scott Baxter
Séverine Marguin
Sophie Mélix
Martin Schinagl
Ajit Singh
Vivien Sommer