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Towards an Empirical Theory of Science? Challenges and (Possible) Standards of Scientific Research Today

27. Juni 2024 12:00 – 28. Juni 2024 15:30 Uhr

Although science itself has become the subject of a wide range of studies, including the Social Studies of Science, Sociology of Scientific Knowledge, and Science and Technology Studies (STS), it seems to us that especially the empirical studies of the sciences in general and the social sciences in particular (on which we focus in this workshop) have not been linked and integrated with the demands and challenges of the Philosophy of Science or what has been called in German “Wissenschaftstheorie”. As much as we know about the social and cultural particularities of the social sciences, their practices, and their dependence on and effects on the ideologies or economic power structures, including the role of gender, race and class, the findings of these empirical studies of science have rarely been linked to the more normative questions of the Philosophy of Science, such as how we “should” do science and what are the legitimate epistemic requirements for scientific communication.

In the workshop, which Is a cooperation between the CRC and the “Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability” (SMUS), experts from different disciplines dealing with the study of science in a theoretical and/ or empirical way in their research, to discuss the question: What is scientific about research and how should science be done? And to what extent are the current inter- and transdisciplinary as well as cross-cultural and transnational contexts inflecting the currently re-negotiated normative definition of science?

We kindly ask you to register with form below the program before June 20th, 2024. The participation at the workshop is free of charge!


TU Berlin | BH-N 230, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
Berlin, 10587 Deutschland


SFB 1265

Zur Übersicht

  • Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.

Towards an Empirical Theory of Science? Challenges and (Possible) Standards of Scientific Research Today

SFB 1265
27. Juni 2024 12:00 – 28. Juni 2024 15:30 Uhr


Thursday, 27.6.2024

12:00-12:15 Hubert Knoblauch, Séverine Marguin, Silke Steets
Welcome and Introduction

12:15-13:00 Hubert Knoblauch (TU Berlin)
Introducing the Empirical Theory of Science

Empirical Theory of Science and Epistemologies

13:00-13:45 Peter Fischer (TU Dresden)
Towards an Empirical Theory of Science? Lessons from the History of the Philosophy of Social Science

13:45-14:30 Jörg Niewöhner (TU München)
Epistemic Agonism. Developing a science after progress

14:30-15:00 Coffee break

15:00-15:45 Fabian Anicker (HH Universität Düsseldorf)
Bottom-up epistemology: Overcoming scientific fragmentation from within

15:45-16:30 Silke Steets (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Maps as Epistemic and Communicative Devices

16:30-17:00 Coffee break

Coproduction, Collaboration and Power Relations

17:00-17:45 Gabriel Faimau (University of Botswana)
Towards Decolonial Reflexivity and Co-Production of Scientific Knowledge

17:45-18:30 Cornelia Schendzielorz, Martin Reinhart (HU Berlin)
Research Collaborations as a Prism for Power-Knowledge Relations

19:00 Dinner

Friday, 28.6.2024
Belief and Science

9:00-09:45 Nona Schulte-Römer, Ignacio Farías, and Brett Mommersteg (HU Berlin)
Do Electromagnetic Waves Kill? The Dilemma of Evidence-Making in Post-Normal Science

09:45-10:30 Claire Wagner (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
The good, the bad and the bizarre: Environmental psychology’s role in guiding beliefs about climate change in a post-truth society

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

Science and the Professions

11:00-11:45 Séverine Marguin (TU Berlin)
Multiperspectival research: Embracing heterogeneity through design-synthetic thinking

11:45-12:30 Jacques du Toit (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
The ‚relevance‘ of social scientific research for the applied built environment professions: Epistemological and methodological questions and implications for social scientific research?

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

13:30-14:15 Jakkrit Sangkhamanee (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok)
When an Anthropologist Meets Hydrologists: A Reflection on the Sociology of Knowledge of Mekong Hydrology

14:15-15:00 Sabine Ammon (TU Berlin)
The Normativity of Research in the Engineering and Design Sciences

15:00-15:30 Nina Baur (TU Berlin): Wrap Up/ Conclusion