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Gastvortrag Jean Hillier: Rethinking Planning in a More-than-human World

13. November 2019 18:30 – 20:00 Uhr


A151, Deutschland

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Gastvortrag Jean Hillier: Rethinking Planning in a More-than-human World

13. November 2019 18:30 – 20:00 Uhr


Association of European Schools of Planning (AEOSP) International lecture series no 16.

“Rethinking Planning in a More-than-human World“

Keynote Prof. Jean Hillier (RMIT Melbourne)

Introduction by: Prof. Dorothee Brantz (Centre for Metropolitan Studies, TU Berlin)

Discussants: Prof Jörg Stollmann, Prof. Angela Million

Date/Time: Wednesday 13/11/19 at 18:30

Where: Architecture Building, Main Lecture Hall A151 TU Berlin

Hosted by TU Berlin (ISR and IfA) and Leibniz-IRS on behalf of AESOP