© Marc Volk

Prof. Dr. Anna Steigemann

Assoziiertes Mitglied

Professorin für die soziologische Dimension des Raumes
Universität Regensburg

+49 (0)30 314-21906



  • Studium

  • 2012 – 2016

    Promotion in Soziologie (Dr. phil.) mit „summa cum laude“, Technische Universität Berlin;
    Thesis: Offering More? How Store Owners and Their Businesses Build Neighborhood Social Life (BetreuerInnen: Prof. Dr. Sybille Frank, Prof. Dr. John Mollenkopf, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Henckel)

  • 2006 – 2009

    Master of Arts Sozialwissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
    Thesis: From Bakeries to Bars? Commercial Gentrification on Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY (BetreuerInnen: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Häußermann, Prof. Dr. Talja Blokland)

  • 2002 – 2006

    Bachelor of Arts Sozialwissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
    Thesis: Deprived Neighborhoods and Hip Hop. The affinity of deprived (migrant) youth for the culture of Hip Hop (BetreuerInnen: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Häußermann and Prof. Dr. Susanne Frank)

  • Beruflicher Werdegang

  • Seit 2020

    Vertretungsprofessur Soziologische Dimensionen des Raumes, Center for International and Transnational Area Studies/CITAS, Universität Regensburg

  • Seit 2016

    Senior Researcher
    Habitat Unit, Technische Universität Berlin

  • Seit 2011

    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
    Urban Management (Master-Studiengang), Technische Universität Berlin

  • 2015 – 2017

    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
    Fachgebiet Sozialwissenschaftliche Stadtforschung, Bauhaus Universität Weimar

  • 2012 – 2015

    Center for Metropolitan Studies, TU Berlin & Center for Urban Research, Graduate Center CUNY

  • 2011 – 2012

    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
    Fachgebiet für Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie, Institut für Soziologie und Institut der Stadt- und Regionalplanung, Technische Universität Berlin

  • 2009 – 2011

    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
    Fachgebiet für Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

  • 2006

    Radio Journalistin Bayerischer Rundfunk, München


    • Kritische Stadtforschung

    • Migration und Stadt (insbesondere Fluchtmigration)

    • klassische Stadtsoziologie

    • Nachbarschaftsstudien

    • Bottom-Up Governance

    • Postkoloniale Theorie

    • ethnographische und qualitative sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden


Promotion (August 2016.) „Offering More? How Store Owners and their Businesses Build Neighborhood Social Life“, am Center for Metropolitan Studies der TU Berlin und der CUNY Graduate Center mit „summa cum laude“.


  • Monographie

    • Steigemann, A. M. (2019). The places where community is practiced. How store owners and their businesses build neighborhood social life, Springer.

    • Steigemann, A. M. (2017). Offering “more”? How store owners and their businesses build neighborhood social life, TU Berlin University Press.

  • Buchbeiträge

    • (2021/ accepted) The making and unmaking of homes through urban arrival infrastructures. In. Boccagni, P.: Handbook of Home and Migration, Edward Elgar, 20 pages.

    • (2021/ accepted) Homes, Houses, Shelters, Camps? Notions of Conflict and Coexistence in Refugee Accommodations in Berlin and Istanbul. With Hilal Alkan. In Wozniak, U. & Tombas, E. (Eds.). We the City. Cohesion and Conflict in Istanbul and Berlin. Routledge. 25 pages.

    • (2021/ in print) Raumaneignungen an Orten des Asyls. With Misselwitz, P., Dalal, A. in: Hoerning, J. /Misselwitz, P. (Eds.) Ein illustriertes Methodenbuch. Transcript, 20 pages.

    • (2021) Architectures of Asylum: Negotiating Home-making Through Concrete Spatial Strategies. With Philipp Misselwitz, In: Christmann, Gabriela, Knoblauch, Hubert, & Löw, Martina (eds.). Communicative Constructions and the Refiguration of Spaces. Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Studies. London: Routledge.

    • (2021) Global-lokaler Alltag unter Bedingungen von Refiguration – Polykontexturales Homemaking in Berliner Unterkünften für geflüchtete Menschen. With Philipp Misselwitz. In Löw, M. et al (Eds.). Das Ende der Globalisierung. Über die Re-Figuration von Räumen. Bielefeld: transcript, pp.. 387 – 413.

    • (2020) Home-making in non-homes. Dwelling in refugee accommodations in Berlin and Zaatari. With Amer Darweesh. In Niehaus, I. & Heinz, K. (Ed.). Unbehaust Wohnen: Verheerende wie diskrete Desaster. Perspektiven auf gesellschaftliche Wohnorte und Aufenthalte im Alltäglichen. Bielefeld: transcript, 30 pages.

    • (2018) First arrivals: The socio-material development of arrival infrastructures in Thuringia. In: Meeus, B., Van Heur, B., Arnaut, K. (Eds.) Arrival Infrastructures. Migration and Urban Social Mobility, Palgrave Macmillan. Cham, pp. 179 – 205.

    • (2018) Vom Schrumpfen zur Integration. Alltagsleben von Geflüchteten in Thüringens drittgrößter Stadt Gera. (From shrinking to integration. Everyday life of refugees in the city of Gera) With Franziska Werner. In Eckardt, F. (Eds.) Ungeliebte Nachbarn. Anti-Asyl-Proteste in Thüringen. Transcript Verlag, pp. 129 – 143.

    • (2017) Businesses as Neighborhood Contact Sites: Some policy implications. Anja Besecke, Josiane Meier, Ricarda Pätzold, Susanne Thomaier (Eds.). Stadtökonomie – Blickwinkel und Perspektiven, Berlin, Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin., pp. 128 – 132.

    • (2017) Vom Schrumpfen zur Integration? Thüringens Willkommenskultur und die sozialräumliche Integration von Flüchtlingen in Gera. (From shrinking to integration. Thuringia’s welcoming culture and the socio-spatial integration of refugees). With Franziska Werner, in: Lessenich, S. (Eds.) Geschlossene Gesellschaften. Verhandlungen des 38. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bamberg 2016, Vol. 38, 11 pages.

    • (2016) Paradigmenwechsel vom Schrumpfen zur Integration? Thüringens ‘Willkommenskultur’ und die Stadtentwicklungspolitik. (Paradigm shift from shrinking to integration? Thuringia’s ‘welcoming culture‘ and urban development policies) Wüstenrot Stiftung: Tagungsband Wohnungsleerstände in Deutschland – Ausmaß – Wahrnehmung – Reaktionen, pp. 325 – 335.

  • Begutachtete Fachaufsätze

    • (2021/accepted) Making yourself at home in a non-home. Spatial Politics and Practices in Arrival Cities. In: A Common European Asylum System: Utopian or Dystopian Expectations?, Social Inclusion, Vol. 10, No. 3, 20 pages.

    • (2020) Tracking Infrastructure Spaces: Die Globale Fabrik/ Die letzte Meile. With Aine Ryan, Christian Haid, Veronica Zaripova. In. ARCH+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und Urbanismus. Berlin Theorie, 2020:241, pp. 194-207.

    • (2020) Nachbarliche Ambiguitäten. Was ist Nachbarschaft, wie geht Nachbarschaft? In Hamel, H. et al (Ed.) Stadt, Land, Kiez. Eine Digitale Anthologie der Nachbarschaften. Leibniz Zentrum für Literaturforschung. Berlin. , 15 pages.

    • (2020) Architectures of Asylum – Making Home in a State of Permanent Temporariness. With Philipp Misselwitz. In: Current Sociology, Special Issue: Researching Home: Choices, Challenges, Opportunities, 19. Pages.

    • (2020) “Multi-culti“ vs. “another cell phone store“– Changing ethnic, social, and commercial diversities in Berlin-Neukölln. In: Hillmann, F. (Ed.). Migration-led regeneration. Special Issue, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, 23 pages.

    • (2018) Planning the Ideal Refugee Camp? A Critical Interrogation of Recent Planning Innovations in Jordan and Germany. With Ayham Dalal, Amer Darweesh, and Philipp Misselwitz. In: Urban Planning, Special Issue: European Cities Planning for Asylum. Special Issue, Volume 3, Issue 4, 20 pages.

    • (2017) Social practices in a café: community through consumption?  Geographica Helvetica, 72(1), 45, pp. 45-54.

    • (2016) A Welcoming Policy in Post-Socialist East Germany. With Frank Eckardt, Franziska Werner, Forced Migration Review 51, pp. 67-69.

  • Weitere Publikationen

    • (2021) Wissensstadt Berlin. Ausstellungstexte für SFB 1265 Subprojekt Architekturen des Asyls und das BUA Prokekt Transforming Solidarities. Infrastrukturen und Praktiken der Migrationsgesellschaft. June 2021, 10 pages.

    • (2021) ZU/FLUCHT. Ausstellungstexte für SFB 1265 Subprojekt Architekturen des Asyls,June 2021, 5 pages.

    • (2021) Corona und die Stadt. In Strive Magazin. Ausgabe/Issue 3, May-June 2021,, 4 pages

    • (2020) Wir gut bringt Berlin seine Geflüchteten unter? With Haluka Meier-Borst, rbb24- Datenanalyse,, 8 pages.

    • (2019) Tempohomes. Untersuchung sozial-räumlicher Aneignungspraktiken von Geflüchteten in ausgewählten Berliner Gemeinschaftsunterkünften. With Misselwitz, P., Dalal, A., Muth C., and TU Berlin students, Research Report in cooperation with Landesamt für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten LAF.

    • (2018) New Diversities and Urban Arrival Infrastructures on Sonnenallee in Berlin. With TU Berlin Students. Edited Research Report, 41 pages,

    • (2015) Willkommensstädte. Studienprojekt der Werkstatt Sozialraumanalyse. (Welcoming Cities. Research Report of the workshop socio-spatial analysis) With Frank Eckardt, Franziska Werner. Abschlussbericht für den Thüringer Minister für Migration, Justiz und Verbraucherschutz, 41 pages, available via

    • (2013) Kommunikationskonzept Turmstraße – Bericht zur Stärkung der lokalen Identität. Bezirksamt Mitte/Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, 60 pages; short version with 12 pages available via

    • (2012) No Strings Attached?! Kontakte im öffentlichen Raum, Edited Project Report with MA Students, ISR TU Berlin, 120 pages.

    • (2009) Book Review on Derek Hyra’s The New Urban Renewal, International Journal for Urban and Regional Research IJURR, pp. 717 -719.

  • Konferenzbeiträge

    • (2021) Transforming Solidarities? Corona und Nachbarschaft. Ad-hoc-Session: Die atomisierte Stadt – Urbanität und Moral in der Corona-Krise, DGS/ÖGS/SGS-Kongress, Wien, Aug 23-25

    • (2021) Migratory Spaces in Berlin. Opening Lecture Summer School ‘Making a life in Berlin, Cape Town and Delhi’, TU Berlin, July 30 (digital)

    • (2021) Urban Infrastructures and New Modes of Knowledge Production in the City of the 21st Century. Know-In Workshop II: Exploring Trans/Regionality. The Workings of Infrastructures and the Production of Knowledge, University Regensburg. July 1–2 (digital)

    • (2021) Die Stadt des 21. Jahrhunderts. Soziologische und Raumwissenschaftliche Überlegungen für Multi-Skalare Area Studies. Public CITAS Lecture, Universität Regensburg, June 8 (invited digital lecture)

    • (2021) Raumsoziologie. Ringvorlesung: Rethinking Area Studies, Producing Space from the ›Global South‹? Post/Colonial Perspectives and (G)local Challenges. Public lecture, Universität Regensburg, April 29 (digital invited lecture)

    • (2021) Researching Solidarities in Urbanized Societies. Brownbag Lunch Public Presentation Series, Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin, Feb 2 (digital)

    • (2020) Global Processes, Local Spaces. Eine Geographie der Stadt des 21. Jahrhunderts. Public lecture, TU Dresden, Dec 18 (digital)

    • (2020) Raum und Gedenken. Roundtable Contribution: Your (hi)story matters: das Projekt „ReMember“ der KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg, Dec 8 (digital)

    • (2020) Architektur und Gesellschaft. An Integrated Approach to Theory and Methods for a Socially Responsible Architecture and Spatial Justice. Public lecture, University Liechtenstein, Nov 25 (digital)

    • (2020) What it takes to make a home. Homelessness in Berlin. Canadian Cultural Funding/ Center for Architecture, film screening and lecture event series at Haus der Statistik and feldfünf, Oct 22 (digital invited lecture)

    • (2020) Spatial politics in refugee accommodations in Berlin. Sonderveranstaltung SFB 1265 goes DGS. 40. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Gesellschaft unter Spannung, Sept 14-25 (digital)

    • (2020) Building an Academic Career in Times of Crisis: Responding to Pressures and Needs of Early Career Researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Southern Africa Cities Conference, , Johannesburg, Aug 31- Sept 4 (digital)

    • (2020) Urban Planning and Infrastructures of Consumption. Invited lecture for Shopping 2040 Research Project, Chair of Urban Design and Urbanization, TU Berlin, June 12 (digital invited lecture)

    • (2020) Spatial Justice in the 21st Century. Opening Lecture for the 4th WITS-TUB Urban Lab Summer School, Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, March 28 (digital key note)

    • (2020) Qualitative Research Methods for Urban Studies. Interdisciplinary Research Methods Workshop. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa (digital invited lecture)

    • (2020) New Arrival Infrastructures in the City of Berlin, Germany. Faces of the City Seminar. School of Architecture & Planning, Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, March 17 (invited lecture)

    • (2020) Housing for the 99% = Housing for Migrants. Housing Lecture. School of Architecture & Planning, Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, March 18 (invited lecture)

    • (2019) Stadtentwicklung und soziale Infrastrukturen auf der Karl-Marx-Straße (Urban Renewal and Social Infrastructures on Karl-Marx-Straße). District Authority of Neukölln Senate of Berlin, Dec 6 (Invited lecture)

    • (2019) Was ist Nachbarschaft? Wie geht Nachbarschaft? Über Nachbarschaftskonzepte und -diskussionen in der Stadtforschung. (What is neighborhood? Neighborhood concepts and debates in urban research) Center for Literature Research: Literaturtage, Berlin, Nov 22-23 (invited lecture)

    • (2019) Interdisziplinäre Stadtforschung. Aktuelle Trends und Herausforderungen für Stadtsoziologie und Urban Studies. (Interdisciplinary urban research. Current Trends and Challenges for Urban Sociology and Studies) Meeting of DGS Section Urban Sociology, Berlin Nov 15

    • (2019) ‘This is where Community is Practiced.’ Local Businesses and Neighborhood Social Life. German Congress for Geography DKG, Kiel, Sept 23-30

    • (2019) Spatial Practices and Belonging in New Arrival Cities. Session JS_RN35_RN37_09: Bordering and policing. 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging, Manchester, United Kingdom, Aug 20-23

    • (2019) Mass Social Housing in Berlin. The Social City. Urban Development and Housing Projects in Berlin and Naples in the post-war area – a comparison: theoretical models, implemented projects, social and political impacts today. TU Berlin- University of Naples, June 25-29

    • (2019) Urban Development and Migration. Planning of Diversity? Dorhuk-Berlin Summer School, DAAD Cooperation with Universities in Iraq, June 19-22

    • (2019) Neighborhood Diversities and Arrival Cities. Session: Conflict and Coexistence, Conference: “We the City”. Plurality and Resistance in Berlin and Istanbul. Humboldt-University of Berlin, May 23-25

    • (2019) Urban Global Governance Futures. Invited Lecture and Expert Roundtable at Hertie School of Governance for the Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues program (GGF), Berlin, May 24 (Invited Lecture)

    • (2019) Urban Migration and Urban Refugees. Methoden der ethnologischen Feldforschung. TU Darmstadt: Berlin Summer School, May 10

    • (2018) Everyday Diversities in Arrival Cities. Advanced Research Collaborative Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, New York City, Nov 29 (Invited lecture)

    • (2018) The Future of Urban Studies. Urban Studies Workshop, CUNY Graduate Center, New York City, Oct 15 (Invited lecture)

    • (2018) Architectures of Asylum. A glocal perspective from Zaatari, Jordan and Berlin, Germany. Session: Design for Asylum: Architecture, Urban Space and Forced Migration, International Association for Forced Migration (IASFM): Whither Refugees? Restrictionism, Crises and Precarity Writ Large, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 24-28

    • (2018) Spaces of belonging in architectures of asylum? Urban refugees‘ agency in the production of space in Berlin, Germany and Zaatari, Jordan. Session: Cities for whom? Exploring urban issues and forced migration with innovative and participatory methods, International Association for Forced Migration (IASFM): Whither Refugees? Restrictionism, Crises and Precarity Writ Large, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 24-28

    • (2018) Architectures of Asylum – Making a Home in a State of Permanent Temporariness. With Philipp Misselwitz. Session: Researching Home: Choices, Challenges, Opportunities, RC43 Housing and Built Environment, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology: Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities, Toronto, Canada, July 15-21

    • (2018) Spaces of belonging in spaces of asylum? Urban refugees‘ agency in the production of space and place in Berlin, Germany and Zaatari, Jordan. Session: Creating welcoming communities: Local immigration and integration policies, AAG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April 8-14

    • (2018) Urban refugees‘ agency in the production of space and place in Berlin, Germany and Zaatari, Jordan – a geography of (dis)integration? With Philipp Misselwitz. Session: Refugees and Immigrants in the City V, AAG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April 8-14

    • (2017) Architectures of Asylum – the intersection of technocratic planning and refugees’ agency, Session: Migration und Flucht in der Stadt – Dynamiken nach dem langen Sommer der Migration, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017: Eine Welt in Bewegung • Erforschen – Verstehen – Gestalten, Tübingen, Sept 29-Oct 5

    • (2017) Urban planning and refugees‘ socio-spatial appropriation practices, Session: Lokale Aushandlungen und Praktiken von Asyl zwischen Inklusion und Exklusion, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017: Eine Welt in Bewegung • Erforschen – Verstehen – Gestalten, Tübingen, Sept 29-Oct 5

    • (2017) Architectures of asylum – a glocal perspective from Berlin. With Philipp Misselwitz. Panel: Urban planning and migrants in the city: glocal and transnational perspectives, RC 21 Conference: Rethinking Urban Global Justice: An international academic conference for critical urban studies, Leeds, Great Britain, Sept 11-14

    • (2017) Learning from Berlin. Introduction to Berlin as the site for new Urban Management with a focus on Co-Production of Knowledge. WITS-TUB Summer School, July 17

    • (2017) Survival opportunities of “traditional” crafts in upgrading neighborhoods: some policy implications, Panel: Regeneration projects and gentrification processes and diversity in entrepreneurship, Divercities: Governing Urban Diversity Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Feb 8-10 (Invited lecture)

    • (2016) Vom Schrumpfen zur Integration? Thüringens Willkommenskultur und die sozialräumliche Integration von Flüchtlingen in Gera, with Franziska Werner, Sektion Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie: Sozial-räumliche Integration von Flüchtlingen, DGS Kongress, Bamberg, Germany, Sept 26-30

    • (2016) Vom Schrumpfen zur Integration?! Thüringens ‚Willkommenskultur‘ als Paradigmenwechsel in der lokalen Stadtentwicklungspolitik? Konferenz: Wohnungsleerstände in Deutschland – Ausmaß – Wahrnehmung, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Feb 4-6

    • (2016) Introduction to Empirical Research Methods in Social Sciences, IGK Methods Workshop, CMS Berlin, Jan 10

    • (2015) First arrivals in shrinkage. The physical, communication and social development of arrival infrastructures in Thuringia, East Germany, Urban Arrival Infrastructures. An International Workshop on Migration and Cities in the 19th and 21st Century, Brussels, Belgium, Dec 9-12

    • (2015) Do I need to grow blond hair to become German? Place Making Practices of Business Owners on a „diverse“ Berlin Shopping Street., Panel: The Challenge of Diversity: Does Urban Diversity Contribute to the Ideal City? RC21 conference, Urbino, Italy, Aug 27-29

    • (2015) Place Making Practices of Business Owners in the course of a Berlin Urban Renewal Program., Panel Networks and encounters in contested spaces RC21 Conference, Urbino, Italy, Aug 27-29

    • (2015) Do I need to grow blond hair to become German? Place Making Practices of Small Business Owners, 2nd Special Session Retail aspects in Urban Geography and Urban Planning. Immigrant retail geographies, AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, April 21-25

    • (2015) ‚Behind the curtain, it works‘ – Small Business Owners‘ Community Building Practices, 4th Special Session Retail aspects in Urban Geography and Urban Planning, AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, April 21-25

    • (2014) The role of commercial/retail activities in place-making. Conference: Frontiers on the Theory of Place-Making (CUNY Student Conference, organized by Sharon Zukin/John Mollenkopf/ Rosemary Wakeman/ Margit Mayer), CUNY Graduate Center, April 3-4

    • (2014) Local businesses as socially inclusive leisure spaces, Joint Session RC 23/RC 28, ISA 2014 Conference, Yokohama, Japan

    • (2014) Shopping for Community? Place Making Practices of Small Business Owners, AAG Annual Meeting, Tampa, USA, April 8-12

    • (2014) Business Ballet. Ethnography of the Physical and Verbal Interactions in a Neukölln Café., Ethnography Workshop with Prof. Suzanne Hall, TU Berlin, Germany

    • (2014) Shopping for Community?! Local businesses as main features of urban infrastructure and local social inclusion. Tagung Neue Kulturgeographie XI: Infrastrukturen der Stadt, Universität Bremen, Germany, Jan 3-Feb 2

    • (2013) Walking for community?! Shopping for community?! How local businesses foster walking activity and related social networking for neighborhood residents, Walk21 International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities, Munich, Germany, Sept 11-13

    • (2013) Walking Tour Neighborhood management and policies in Berlin-Wedding, RC 21 Conference 2013, Berlin, Germany, August 31

    • (2012) Segregation and Housing Politics in Berlin, Auto-Construction Workshop Mexico/ Weimar/ Berlin, Germany

    • (2012) Leopoldplatz – Showcase of the new bourgeoisie? (Schauplatz einer neuen Bürgerlichkeit) Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, TU Berlin, Germany

    • (2012) Socially Inclusive Planning in Berlin, Urban Management Summer School, TU Berlin, Germany

    • (2011) Social Housing Policies and Socially Integrative City for CUNY Summer School, HU Berlin, Germany

  • Organisation und Moderation von Panels bei Konferenzen

    • (2021) Homemaking refigured. SFB 1265 International Conference: Spatial Refiguration: dynamics, challenges, and conflicts, TU Berlin, Oct 28-30

    • (2021) Fuzzy Boundary Making. From Social Practices to (Urban) Spatial Practices. With Nihad El-Kayed and Christian Haid. RC21 CONFERENCE 2020: Shaping & Sensing the city. Power, people, place, Antwerp, Belgium, July 6-8

    • (2019) Spatializing Contemporary Modernities and the Postcolonial Challenge. Plenary Session 1. With Philipp Misselwitz, First International Conference of the SFB 1265: Re-Figuration of Spaces: Mediatization, Mobility, Globalization and Social Dislocation., TU Berlin, Feb 20-22

    • (2019) Urbanity, Migration, Mobility. Session 7. With Philipp Misselwitz, First International Conference of the SFB 1265: Re-Figuration of Spaces: Mediatization, Mobility, Globalization and Social Dislocation., TU Berlin, Feb 20-22

    • (2018) Cities for whom? Exploring urban issues and forced migration with innovative and participatory methods, with Franziska Werner, International Association for Forced Migration (IASFM): Whither Refugees? Restrictionism, Crises and Precarity Writ Large, Thessaloniki, Greece

    • (2018) Die Nachwachsende Stadt – The re-growing City. Public Lecture Series on urban systems, climate adaptation, green economies und governing transformation to sustainability at the Floating University Berlin. With Moritz Ahlert., TU Berlin/floating uni berlin

    • (2016) City of Refuge – Refugee Accommodations and their Spatial and Social Consequences for the Urban, with Franziska Werner, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Conference, Poznan, Poland

    • (2015) Ambiguous Imaginaries – Public Space in the Ideal City. Representations, policies, contradictions and challenges for tomorrow’s urban life, with Annika Levels & Christian Haid, RC21 Conference, Urbino, Italy

    • (2014) Ambiguous Spaces: Moving beyond Dichotomies of Public Space, with Annika Levels & Christian Haid, RC21 session, ISA 2014 Conference, Yokohama, Japan

    • (2013) Colonization and Space: On the Politics of Gentrification, Segregation and Pacification, Empire, City, Nature: 2nd Annual Conference IGK, Toronto, Canada

    • (2013) Global Urban Luxury Industries and Metropolitanism, Grand Hotels at the Fin de Siècle: Global Dimensions, Local Experiences, CMS Berlin

    • (2012) Urban Renewal and Citizen Protest, Urban-Activism-Scholarship: Global Discourses in Local, Historical and Contemporary Contexts, 1st Annual CMS Conference, TU Berlin