Subprojects | Central Projects

Central Administration Project

The administrative project Z is responsible for activities and tasks than span the network of the CRC 1265. It acts as the central point of contact for all members of the CRC in administrative, coordinative and organizational matters. In addition, it forms a communication conduit between the participating institutions, cooperation partners and the DFG. The team of the administrative office takes on a variety of tasks: These include, for example, the administration of the CRC’s financial resources, the coordination of measures promoting young researchers and equality policies, the scientific management of the Integrated Research Training Group (MGK), the supervision of visiting scholars as well as the organization of workshops and conferences and the support of cross-network publication projects.

This central management office also plays an important role in promoting interdisciplinary cooperation within the CRC – primarily by creating structures for internal networking and exchange of information between the subprojects. By managing our cooperation partners and associated members as well as planning the CRC’s international conferences, subproject Z also promotes international networking and increases the visibility of CRC 1265 in the field of interdisciplinary spatial research.

A special focus of the central administrative project Z lies on formats of knowledge transfer and science communication. To do this justice, members of the Z team maintain the CRC podcast, the CRC blog, and the CRC Twitter and Youtube channels, each of which offers a wider public beyond the scientific community insights into the ongoing research and activities of the Collaborative Research Center. In close cooperation with the network’s subprojects as well as with the art and public relations project Ö, Z supports various collaborations with cultural and art institutions outside of academia, such as a project with Münchner Kammerspiele or the event series Refiguring Spaces at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), the latter being conceived and led by the public relations project Ö.

Dr. Nina Elsemann
Scientific Coordinator and Managing Director

Dr. Christian Haid
Research Associate and Method-Lab

Mag. Lucie Bernroider
Management – Publications & International Affairs
Contact person for questions regarding the diversity program

M.Sc. Thi Tuyet Nhung Dang
Office Manager

M.Sc. Christopher Heidecke
Management – Science Communication and Media Coordinator

Lea Fast
Management – student assistant

Hannah Elizabeth Jury
Management – student assistant

Ji Hong Kim
Management – student assistant

Emil Widmer
Management – student assistant