Simone Rueß
Associate Member
Przestrzeń działań społecznych, workshop as part of the exhibition Antroprocen, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice
‚Daily Routes (Nowa Huta)‘, artistic research project as part of „Archeology of Everyday Life - New Topographies“, Teatr Łaźnia Nowa – Dom Utopii, Kraków, in the course of this: cooperation and data sessions with the Hybrid Mapping Group, Methods-Lab, CRC 1265 „Re-Figuration of Spaces“
NEUSTARTplus grant, Stiftung Kunstfonds
‚Visualizing Narrative Spaces‘, interdisciplinary workshop at the Methods-Lab, CRC 1265 „Re-Figuration of Spaces“, TU Berlin
teaching assignment, interdisciplinary seminar „Social Space of Action - analogue/digital“, modul „Space“, Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart
teaching assignment, basics in artistic design, Faculty for Design and Art - Industrial Design, University of Wuppertal
2019 - 2022
„space/biography with fragile memory“, 4-year artistic research project with people suffering from dementia-related changes, collaboration with Ernst-Berendt-Haus, Stephanus-Stiftung in Berlin-Weißensee, Freilichtbühne Weißensee and Z.E.A. - associazione alzhalarte, Milan
2019 - 2021
de-re-konstrukt, Collaboration with Krzysztof Franaszek, the german-polish relation along the route Berlin - Warsaw
2018 - 2019
Research associate at the department ‚Sculpture and Artistic Spatial Concepts‘, Institute for art and pedagogy, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Residency at BASE Milano as part of „999 questions on contemporary living“, La Triennale di Milano, Milan
2016 - 2017
Fellowship Schloss Solitude Academy: ‚Space/Biography’ - artistic research project on mental images of space, setting up a 6-week space/biography LAB
2014 - 2016
Scholarship pro arte ulmer kunststiftung, Ulm
Residency at Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
2008 - 2012
4-year research stay in Warsaw, supported by: Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn (2012),
postgraduate scholarship of Federal state of Baden-Württemberg (2009 – 2011), DAAD - DAAD postgraduate scholarship in the studio ‚Audiovisual Space‘ (Prof Grzegorz Kowalski), Akademy of Fine Arts, Warsaw (2008/09) -
2002 - 2008
Studies in fine arts, department of Fine Arts, State Akademy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart
Research Focus
Urban structures (Movement Spaces, Cityscapes)
Living and home-making (INhabit)
Biographical narratives (Space/Biography)
Fragile Remembering (Space/Biography with Fragile Memory)
Articles and Papers
Rueß, Simone (2023), ‘Drawing and (re)acting: The creation of Movement Spaces’, Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 8:1, pp. 81–94,
Mock, Claudia, Rueß, Simone (2023): ‘Visualizing Narrative Spaces’, BLOG of the Collaborative Research Center “Re-Figuration of Spaces” (CRC 1265), 10 March,
Engel, Judith (2017), ‘Performing space’, Biographies & Space, Schloss-Post, Issue N° 4, 19 April,
Herrmann, Clara (2016), ‘Invisible Movement Spaces with Simone Rueß’, Biographies & Space, Issue N° 4,
Rueß, Simone (2016), ‘Spatial Structures – An Outcome of Political Processes?’, in: Schlossghost#1, yearbook, collective publication, Akademie Schloss Solitude, September 13,
Contributions in books, art books & magazines (Selection)
◦ Rueß, Simone 2023): ‚de-re-konstrukt – „Lass und von vorne beginnen…“, in: Demandt, Simone; Lorenc, Kasia; Ottnad, Clemens (Hg.), Harte Zeiten – Ciężkie Czasy. Ausstellungs- und Projektdokumentation. Eine Kooperation des Künstlerbunds Baden-Württemberg, PORT25 Raum für Gegenwartskunst Mannheim und Galeria Miejska BWA w Bydgoszczy (Hrsg.), Berlin: DCV Verlag, pp. 98-107
Guzik-Podlewska, Olga; Le Guern -Smoczynska, Agata (2021), Katalog wystaw w Galerii Le Guern 2014-2019, Warsaw: Le Guern Gallery, pp. 32, 69-71
Hocke, Eva; Gassner, Oliver; Schleher, Larissa; Sieber, Volker; Soppa, Chris Inken, Wieland, Hanspeter; Zubler, Niels (2020), Der Fremde Blick, Mauerläufer 2020, Literary Yearbook. pp. 76 -111
Murawski, Michał (2019), A Palace Complex: A Stalinist Skyscraper, Capitalist Warsaw and a City Transfixed, Indiana: Indiana University Press, pp. 105-107
Murawski, Michał (2015), Kompleks Pałacu. Życie społeczne stalinowskiego wieżowca w kapitalistycznej Warszawie, Warsaw: Muzeum Warszawy
Hocke, Eva; Gassner, Oliver; Schleher, Larissa; Sieber, Volker; Wieland, Hanspeter; Zubler, Niels (2015), Ordnungunordnung, Mauerläufer 2015, Literary Yearbook. pp. 53, 62, 65
Gendera, Marta (2014), Park Tysiąclecia, Millenium Park. Próby, szkice nowej przestrzeni publicznej, Zielona Góra: Fundacja Salony, pp. 166-173
Oeuvre Catalogue (Selection)
2022 “How geopolitical caesuras are written down in biographical narratives…“,
2018 space/biography, Edition Solitude, Projektiv Series, Schloss Solitude Academy, Stuttgart
2015 Raum Natur, Kunstverein Hechingen
2015 Ravensburg,
2013 appartement, exhibition catalogue (
2012 Movement Space, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw
2010 Kręgosłup,, Warsaw
2024 Spacetime matters Serie ‚Drawing (out) spacetimes: Methodological reflections on mapping in sociospatial research‘, Hybrid Mapping Working Group, CRC 1265 ‚Re-figuration of Spaces‘ and Chair of Urban Design (CUD), TU Berlin
2024 „Movement Spaces and Narrative Spaces – artistic methods to explore (urban) spaces”, lecture & workshop at: „Architectural theory and design methodology“, Film & Architecture, RheinMain University, Wiesbaden
2023 ‚Daily Routes (Nowa Huta) – urban structures and narrative spaces‘, Dom Utopii, Kraków
Drawology: tracing the ether, Drawing Research Network, School of Design and Creative Arts, Loughborough University2022 Visualizing Narrative Spaces‘, lecture at the Methods-Lab, CRC 1265 „Re-Figuration of Spaces“, TU Berlin
2021 lecture and panel, symposium „Harte Zeiten / Ciężkie Czasy“, BWA Bydgoszcz, Port25 Mannheim and Baden-Württembergischer Künstlerbund
2019 lecture at the Neuropsychology Center, ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan (Italy)
Exhibitions and Performances (Selection)
2022 – 2024 Antropocen – a touring exhibition of the National Institute of Architecture and Urbanism in Warsaw, e.g. ZODIAK – Warsaw Architecture Pavilion (2022), Museum of Architecture in Wrocław (2023), Rondo Sztuki in Katowice (2024)
2023 CityScape Savignyplatz, Monsters & Time Questions, Maksimum Kubik, Berlin
city/sound/scape as part of ‚Archeology of Everyday Life – New Topographies‘, Teatr Łaźnia Nowa – Dom Utopii, Nowa Huta, Kraków (with Rafał Mazur)2022 FRAGILE REMEMBERING, Stephanus Stiftung Berlin Weißensee
K. H. Stauffer (space biography), Short film screening, Freilichtbühne Weißensee, Berlin
You could be heading away from the endless middle and towards the bottom of the top, Trafostacja; Stettin2021 de-re-konstrukt, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw (with Krzysztof Franaszek)
walk-in, performance as part of ‚de-re-konstrukt‘, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw2020 “Zacznijmy od poczatku, od dwóch skrzydeł”, Galeria JEDNA DRUGA, Stettin (with Aleksandra Kubiak)
ADAPTACJE, art in public space, Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki, Gorzów Wlkp.
Meeting at the border, Słubice/Frankfurt (Oder), action, 8.6.2020, with Krzysztof Franaszek (de-re-konstrukt)2019 Memory of Space (zqm), zwanzigquadratmeter Berlin
collecting 788 memories, action, 28.2.2019, zqm Berlin
Meeting in the Warsaw-Berlin-Express, action, 19.12.2019, with Krzysztof Franaszek (de-re-konstrukt)2018 ‚999 questions on contemporary living‘, La Triennale di Milano, Milan
INhabit, lorgennale – a home festival, L1danceFest, Budapest
20 flats in 10 years, part 1&2, live drawing, BASE Milano
Anonyme Zeichner 2018, Galerie am Körnerpark, Berlin
Mauerläufer 5, Museum der Unerhörten Dinge, Berlin2017 Space/Biography 2016/17, Schloss Solitude Academy, Stuttgart
Rapprochement, Performance-Festival „lorgennale“, Stuttgart, with Frauke Aulbert
Soziale Strandgüter, Galerie im Kavalierhaus, Langenargen, with Matthias Reinhold
On Drawing, Lage Egal Raum für Aktuelle Kunst, Berlin
Nowe / Nowo odkryte, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw2016 Memory of Space, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw
Annäherung, Galerie Angela Lenz, Feldberg2015 Fremde Blicke, Ravensburg, Kunstmuseum Ravensburg
Raum Natur, Kunstverein Hechingen2013 na fali, Stacja Mercedes, Bęc Zmiana, Warsaw
Park, BWA Zielona Góra
appartement, Gallery Interface, Dijon2012 Movement Space, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw
2011 Kunst-Stoff. Textilien in der Kunst seit 1960, Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe
Distances, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw
Wie geht’s dir Stuttgart?, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Zeichnung x 5, Kunstverein Reutlingen2010 Kręgosłup, Galeria STUDIO, Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw