Dr. Dominik Bartmanski (Former Members)
B03 : Smart PeopleResearch Associate
Technische Universität Berlin
BH-5-1 | Raum 209
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
10587 Berlin
Habilitation, Sociology, Technische Universität Berlin
Ph.D. with distinction, Sociology, Yale University, USA
M.A. in Sociology, Yale University, USA
M.A. in European Studies, University of Exeter, UK
Magister, Sociology, honors, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Magister, International Relations, honors, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Academic Career
2018 – 2021
Researcher within SonderForschungsBereich (SFB 1265, Re-Figuration von Räumen). Project: “Smart Cities: Everyday Life in Digitalized Spaces“
2015 – 2018
Researcher within the DFG funded project “Star Architecture and Its Role for Re-positioning Small and Mid-size Cities”, Sociology Department, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
2014 – 2017
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
2014 – 2015
Visiting Lecturer, Bard College Berlin, Germany
2012 – 2015
European Social Fund & Czech Ministry of Education Postdoctoral Fellowship, Sociology Department, Masaryk University
Visiting Lecturer, Technische Universität, Darmstadt, Germany
2005 – 2011
Doctoral Candidate & Teaching Fellow, Yale University
The Marvin B. Sussman Award for the Best Ph.D. Dissertation in Sociology Department in 2011, Yale University
The Junior Theorist Award, granted every four years by Research Committee 16 (RC16) of International Sociological Association, for the best sociological article.
The awarded article was: "How to Become an Iconic Social Thinker: The Intellectual Pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault" published by European Journal of Social Theory. June 27, Trento, Italy
Estreicher Fund Prize for outstanding academic achievements, Pruszyński Cultural Foundation
Research Focus
Cultural Sociology
Social Theory
Urban Ethnography
Urban Design
Music Sociology
Edited Volume
Alexander, J.C., Bartmanski, D. & Giesen, B. (editors). 2012. Iconic Power. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Bartmanski, D. and M. Fuller. 2018. Reconstructing Berlin: Materiality and Meaning in Symbolic Politics of Urban Space. City. Vol. 22, No. 2: 202-219.
Alaily-Mattar, N., Bartmanski, D., Dreher, J., Koch, M., Löw, M., Pape, T., Thierstein, A. 2018. Situating Architectural Performance: ‘Star Architecture’ and Its Roles in Repositioning the Cities of Graz, Lucerne and Wolfsburg. European Planning Studies. Vol. 26, No. 9: 1874-1900.
Bartmanski, D. 2018. Social Construction and Cultural Meaning: Reconstructing Qualitative Sociology. American Journal of Cultural Sociology. : Vol. 6, No. 3: 563–587
Bartmanski, D. & I. Woodward. 2018. Vinyl Record: A Cultural Icon. Consumption, Markets & Culture. Vol. 21, No. 2: 171–177.
Bartmanski, D. 2015a. Modes of Seeing, or, Iconicity as Explanatory Notion. Sociologica No. 1/2015. Online.
Bartmanski, D. & Binder, W. 2015b. Being and Knowledge: On Some Liabilities of Reed’s Interpretivism. Czech Sociological Review No. 3: 499–511.
Bartmanski, D. 2015c. Refashioning sociological imagination: Linguality, visuality and the iconic turn in cultural sociology Chinese Journal of Sociology 1(1): 136–161.
Bartmanski, D. & I. Woodward. 2015 (online first 2013). The Vinyl. The Analogue Medium in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Journal of Consumer Culture 15(1): 3–27.
Bartmanski, D. 2013a. How To Practice Visual and Material Culture Studies: A Cultural Sociological Perspective. Sociologica. 1/2013: 1–11.
Bartmanski, D. 2013b. The Word/Image Dualism Revisited: Towards an Iconic Conception of Visual Culture. Journal of Sociology 49(4):1–18 (Online 2012).
Bartmanski, D. 2012. How To Become an Iconic Social Thinker. The Intellectual Pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault. European Journal of Social Theory 15(4): 426–452.
Bartmanski, D. 2011. Successful Icons of Failed Time. Rethinking Postcommunist Nostalgia. Acta Sociologica 54 (3): 213–232.
Book Chapter
Bartmanski, D. 2017. A Temple of Social Hope? Tempelhof Airport in Berlin and Its Transformation. Chapter in National Matters: Materiality, Culture & Nationalism edited by Genevieve Zubrzycki. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 216-240.
Bartmanski, D. 2016. Iconicity. In The Sage Handbook of Cultural Sociology edited by David Inglis and Anna Mari-Almila. London: Sage, pp. 538-552.
Bartmanski, D. and R. Eyerman. 2016. The Worst Was the Silence. The Unfinished Drama of the Katyn Massacre. In: Narrating Trauma. On the Impact of Collective Suffering edited by Ronald Eyerman, Jeffrey C. Alexander and Elizabeth Breese. London: Routledge.
Bartmanski, D. 2014. Ein P/ostmodernes Totem. Wie man als kommunistische Ikone den Kommunismus überdauert. A chapter in German in the book Spielplätze der Verweigerung. Gegenkulturen im östlichen Europa nach 1956 (Playgrounds of Insubordination: Countercultures in Eastern Europe after 1956) edited by Christine Gölz and Alfrun Kliems. Köln: Böhlau Verlag: 202–222.
Bartmanski, D. 2013. Liminal Cityscape: Postcommunist Warsaw as Collective Representation. In: Grubbauer, M. and Kusiak, J. (eds.) Chasing Warsaw. Socio-Material Dynamics of Urban Change since 1990. Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag: 133–162.
Bartmanski, D. 2012. Iconspicuous Revolutions of 1989. Culture and Contingency in the Making of Political Icons. In: Iconic Power. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 39–65.
Bartmanski, D. and J.C. Alexander. 2012. Introduction. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life: Toward an Iconic Turn in Cultural Sociology. In: Iconic Power. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 1–12.
Book Reviews
Bartmanski, D. 2016. Review of the book Media, Materiality and Memory: Grounding the Groove by Elodie Roy. Abington, Ashgate, 2015. Sociologica. Online. doi: 10.2383/85298
Bartmanski, D. 2014. Review of the book Making Samba: A New History of Race and Music in Brazil by Marc Adam Hertzman. Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(10): 1897-1900 doi:10.1080/01419870.2014.885546
Selected Media Publications
Bartmanski, D. 2016. Inside the World’s Biggest Record Collection. The Vinyl Factory.