
MigraTouriSpace is an artistic exploration of travelling as an approach to the phenomena of migration and tourism. It is about travelling images, people and spaces. Spatial migration means migration in which spaces move with people. Tourism no longer means holidays as a state of exception, but the tourist gaze that, taken home, has long since shaped what we call everyday life.

In a multi-channel video installation, visitors will immerse themselves in spaces where they can no longer say where they are. In Korea, Germany or Vietnam? Interviews with migrants and tourists provide an insight into individual life stories and visualise the expectations and motives of migrant and tourist movement. The exhibition visualises a changing concept of being in the world, discusses conventional perceptions of tourism and migration and asks essential questions about our own view of the supposedly foreign. In times of pandemic, travelling is hardly possible anymore. This is another reason why MigraTouriSpace has come at exactly the right time. The shop windows of the CLB are completely covered with translucent photographs. This creates a playful dialogue between inside and outside, between the supposedly familiar and the foreign next door. When you enter the exhibition space as a passer-by, you become a traveller in a video landscape of German houses in Korea and Vietnamese Berlin.

Flyer; Press Release; Press Articles