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Workshop: Varieties of Refiguration? On Multiple Spatialities, Spatial Arrangements & the Economy 1

21. November 2024 – 22. November 2024

Using the spatial dimension of the economy as core case, the conference will bring together the various understandings and approaches to illuminate the relevance of space for economic activities. Here, we follow to proposition that the diversity and variety in the empirical material and conceptual thinking might indicate the existence of a varieties of refiguration. A perspective on the varieties of refiguration could allow us to bring together the various ways in which (economic) actors relate to space, have conflicts about it and develop institutional settlements. A debate on “Varieties of Refiguration?” will discuss how various spatial arrangements are interlinked as multiple spatialities and how they change. In the processes of the refiguration of spaces, we can assume both convergent and divergent tendencies. We understand that this convergence and divergence could occur within and between spatial arrangements as well as within refiguration, in different societies, social groups, and regions/cities.


Participation is free, and both CRC and non-CRC members are invited to participate in the discussion. In order to make reservations, we kindly ask to register by 14.11.2024 and indicate, if you are coming to the meals or not:

Organizers: Nina Baur and Stefan Kirchner

All meals are self-pay, that is everybody pays their meal themselves.


TU Berlin | BH-N 230, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
Berlin, 10587 Deutschland

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Workshop: Varieties of Refiguration? On Multiple Spatialities, Spatial Arrangements & the Economy 1

21. November 2024 – 22. November 2024


Wednesday, 20.11.2024, 10.00 – 18.00: Ethnographic City Walk on Spatial Arrangements and the Economy 1: Siemensstadt (optional)

Thursday, 21.11.2024, 09.30 – 18.30, BH-N 230: Conference Day 1 (core session)

09.30 – Registration and Coffee

10.00 – Nina Baur (CRC 1265) & Stefan Kirchner (CRC 1265)
Welcome and Introduction

10.45 – Break

Session 1: Geo-Political Rivalry, Spatial Regimes and Multiple Spatialities & Refiguration of Territorial Spaces (Part 1)
Moderation: Lara Espeter (CRC 1265) & Berkant Ufakcan (Sociology, TU Berlin)

11.15 – Şahan Savaş Karataşli (Sociology, University of North Carolina – Greensboro, USA) Reorienting Capitalism? The Rise of East Asia and Spatial Re-figuration of Global Economy in the 21st Century

12.00 – Seth Schindler (Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, UK) The Relationship between Territories and Networks Concerning Geopolitical Rivalry between China and the US

12.45 – Lunch

Session 2: Refiguration of Territorial Spaces (Part 2)
Moderation: Florence Eyok (Sociology, TU Berlin) & Alexander Kohrs (CRC 1265)

14.45 – Klaus Kraemer (Universität Graz, Austria) States and Economies in (Extra-)Normal Crises

15.30 – Beatriz Bustos Gallardo (Department of Geography, University of Chile, Chile) Spatial Refiguration in two Agroexporting Regions. The Cases of O’Higgins and Maule Regions in Chile

16.15 – Break

Session 3: Refiguration of Spaces of Routes (“Bahnenraum”)
Moderation: Christina Hecht (CRC 1265) & Tom Ritschel (Sociology, TU Berlin)

16.45 – Rainer Diaz-Bone (Universität Luzern, Switzerland) Convention Theory, Economy and Space

17.30 – Kwee Hui Kian (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Trade and Belt and Road Initiative

19.00 – Dinner

Friday, 22.11.2024, 09.00 – 16.30, BH-N 230: Conference Day 2 (core session)

09.00 – Coffee

Session 4: Refiguration of Space of Networks – Labour Migration
Moderation: Elettra Griesi (CRC 1265) & Esteban Perez Gnavi (Sociology, TU Berlin)

09.30 – Pei-Chia Lan (Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan) From Guest Workers to Future Immigrants? Compare Guest Worker Regimes in Post-World-War-II Germany and 21st Century Taiwan

10.15 – Anju Mary Paul (New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Post-West Migrations. Migration Trajectories and Shifting Destination Hierarchies amongst both High- and Low-Wage Asian Migrants

11.00 – Break

Session 5: Retailer-Consumer-Linkages, Spatialities of the Local and Refiguration of Urban Space (Part 1)
Moderation: Linda Hering (CRC 1265) & Maria Norkus (Sociology, TU Berlin)

11.30 – Priyasha Kaul (Sociology, Ambedkar University Delhi, Delhi, India) Socio-Economic Struggles of Delivery Workers for Livelihood after the Pandemic

12.15 – Frédéric Lebaron (L’Ecole normale supérieure Paris-Saclay, Paris, France) Field Theory the Economy and Space

13.00 – Lunch

Session 6: Retailer-Consumer-Linkages, Spatialities of the Local and Refiguration of Urban Space (Part 2)
Moderation: Franka Köppe (Sociology, TU Berlin) & Sezgin Sönmez (CRC 1265)

15.00 – Supriya Chaudhuri (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India) Space of the Bazaar

15.45 – Tatenda Mukwedeya (Sociology, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa) Peripheral Urbanisation in Harare: The Logics of Autoconstruction and Multiple Spatialities in Eastview

16.30 – End of Conference

18.00 – Dinner

Saturday, 23.11.2024, 07.30 – 17.00: Ethnographic City Walk 2:Spatial Arrangements and the Economy 2: Oberschöneweide (optional)