Blog | Conflict

22. November 2024

Conflicts in Space – Climate Conflicts, Cultural and Intersectional Conflicts, Migration Conflicts

Zoé Perko | Dr. Daniela Stoltenberg | Nicole Oetke | Eva Korte

The 2024 annual conference of the Collaborative Researcher Center (CRC) 1265 Re-Figuration of Spaces brought together research at the intersection of space and conflict. It tackled the question of how […]

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1. October 2024

Urban Battlegrounds: Non-Violent Resistance in Occupied Cities 

Iryna Ignatieva

This blogpost reveals how Ukrainian cities under occupation have become unexpected battlegrounds of non-violent resistance. Amidst surveillance and oppression, civilians employ ingenious tactics to defy the occupying forces, reclaiming urban spaces with symbols of hope and resilience. This exploration delves into the strategies of silent protest and civic defiance that transform everyday streets into arenas of courage and solidarity.

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2. August 2024

Encounters with a humanitarian agency 

Qusay Amer

In Jordan, many refugees from various backgrounds seek asylum. However, the limited resources and the interconnectedness of social, political, and economic crises, all exacerbated by climate change, lead to frustration and increased competition between the different refugee groups, as well as between the refugees and the host community. This has resulted in complaints and blame being directed at authorities and international actors, aggravating spatial conflicts within the refugee communities. This vignette shows some of the stories that CRC doctoral researcher Qusay Amer collected during his fieldwork in Amman, in the context of a workshop titled “Data justice for refugees.”

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2. December 2022

“My City is a Battleground – Intersectionality and Urban Violence” | The CRC 1265’s 4th international conference

Dr. Lucie Bernroider

On 20th-21st of October the CRC 1265 held its fourth international conference, this year titled “My City is a Battleground – Intersectionality and Urban Violence”. After two years of COVID restrictions, we could finally meet in person again, which in itself provided a cause for celebration as participants pleased to mingle with new as well as familiar faces. This year’s theme followed up on the CRC’s interest in socio-spatial conflicts, looking at the way intersectional tensions accompany processes of urban spatial refiguration. Taking its inspiration from decades of research on social inequality, class struggles, migration, violence as well as from intersectional feminist work, the conference turned its attention to intersectional experiences of violence and the way conflicts manifest intersectionally in and through urban space.

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27. April 2022

Covid-19 und Putins refigurierter Verhandlungstisch

Dr. David Joschua Schröder | Volkan Sayman

Der Verfall europäischer Demokratie in rechtspopulistische Autokratie wurde zu Recht als reaktionäres Resultat einer spannungsreichen Konfrontation zwischen einer neuen Logik globaler Vernetzung und einer alten Logik nationaler Territorialität gedeutet. Sei es Klimawandel, Covid-19 oder Migration – der gefühlt machtlosen Auslieferung an komplex-unsichtbare Abhängigkeit, Ansteckung und ‚Unterwanderung‘ setzen rechtspopulistische Bewegungen ein idealisiertes Trugbild nationaler Gemeinschaftsstärke, moralischer Zweifellosigkeit und Reinheit entgegen. Es ist ein raumsoziologisch bedeutsamer Konflikt zwischen einer vernetzten Logik entgrenzter Verbreitung und einer territorialen Logik repräsentativer Reinheit.

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13. March 2022

Refigurierte Raumkontrolle

Dr. David Joschua Schröder

Am Kottbusser Tor soll eine sogenannte mobile Wache errichtet werden. Sieht man mal von den immer häufiger an öffentlichen Plätzen campierenden Mannschaftswagen der Polizei ab, die ebenso als mobile Wachen bezeichnet werden, wäre die mobile Wache am Kottbusser Tor bereits die zweite ihrer Art, denn sie soll sich die mobile Wache am Alexanderplatz zum Vorbild nehmen. Dort steht seit einiger Zeit ein rundherum kameraüberwachtes kleines Häuschen, das etwas größer ist als ein Baucontainer, jedoch nicht unbedingt ansehnlicher.

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6. August 2021

Infrastructural violence in Johannesburg’s taxi industry

Silvia Danielak

Since the emergence of ride-hailing applications, South African urban centers have seen a rise in violence between the traditional metered taxis and the new ride-share services. Hundreds of criminal cases have been opened over the last years, and protests organized by ride-hailing drivers have drawn attention to the rising tension in the transport industry. A focus on urban infrastructure might shed new light on the history, politics and materiality of places that perpetuate violence in South Africa’s cities.

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6. May 2020

The coronavirus, new nationalisms and the limits of Second World War fantasies

Dr. Christy Kulz

In the face of the corona virus, numerous references to war and battle frame what is foremost positioned as a national challenge despite transnational cooperation. The Second World War as touchstone carries a particular relevance for Britain where heroic images of victory form a focal point of the current national discourse and conscience. Through reflecting on the current crisis, this post explores how clinging to war images connects to how the UK regards itself and, subsequently, how it perceives both Germany and the European Union.

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