Blog | Spatial Theory

1. April 2020

Dichotopia – The Refiguration of Spaces and the Security Society in Times of the Corona Risk

Prof. Dr. Hubert Knoblauch | Prof. Dr. Martina Löw

Using the concept of refiguration, Hubert Knoblauch and Martina Löw are initiating a first analysis of communicative action at times of corona pandemic.

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19. March 2020

On experiencing Berlin and Interdisciplinarity. An Interview with Letteria G. Fassari

Nina Meier | Letteria G. Fassari

From October 2019 till February 2020 Letteria G. Fassari was Visiting Fellow at the Collaborative Research Centre 1265. In this interview conducted at the end of her stay, she gives insights into her time at the CRC and her impressions of the city of Berlin.

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3. January 2020

Spaces of Hope – 1st summer school of the integrated research training group

Janina Dobrusskin | Julia Fülling | Sophie Mélix

The first summer school of the integrated research training group of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1265, titled “Spaces of Hope. Critical Perspectives on Spatial (Trans)Formations” took place in Berlin from the 11th to the 13th of September 2019 and brought together young researchers from all over the world. The following report gives a brief insight about the activities and research topics addressed during the summer school.

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25. October 2019

Über Raum und Zeit. Im Gespräch mit Fraya Frehse

Dr. Fabian Gülzau | Julia Fülling | Fraya Frehse

Fraya Frehse, die an der Universidade de São Paulo eine Professur für Soziologie (insb. Stadt-, Raum- und Alltagssoziologie) hält, war vom 15.02. bis zum 31.08.2019 Gastwissenschaftlerin am SFB 1265. Wir haben sie am Ende ihres Aufenthaltes interviewt. Im Gespräch berichtet Fraya Frehse unter anderem von ihren Erfahrungen am SFB und ihrem Blick auf die deutsche Stadtsoziologie.

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16. September 2019

Lost in interdisciplinarity? The many voices in spatial research

Prof. Dr. Martina Löw | Prof. Dr. Ilse Helbrecht | Prof. Jörg Stollmann | Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau | Prof. Dr. Matthias Middell | Dr. Séverine Marguin

The following discussion is an edited, abridged transcript of the concluding panel discussion of the 1st International Conference of the CRC 1265 "Re-Figuration of Spaces" on the topic of interdisciplinarity in spatial research between researchers Martina Löw (Chair), Matthias Middell, Ilse Helbrecht, Séverine Marguin, Jörg Stollmann and Steffen Mau.

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