Blog | Palästina

26. April 2021

Conflicted fantasies and spatial identities: from Ramallah to Paris

Aseel Aldeek

This post presents a personal account of my experiences growing up in Ramallah, Palestine, studying at Al-Quds Bard university in Palestine and then emigrating to France. It is an overview of all the spaces I had to interact with throughout my life which have now come to define my identity. By observing the different political and social atmospheres in different spaces and their effect on me, I have come to realise that my identity has no static definition and is continuously redefined through every space I exist in.

5. November 2019

Raum-Matrix des Westjordanlands

Hannah Wolf

Hannah Wolf, die am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Soziologie an der Universität Potsdam promoviert und am SFB 1265 „Re-Figuration von Räumen“ assoziiert ist, berichtet in diesem Blogbeitrag von ihrem Aufenthalt im Westjordanland. Das Leitmotiv ihrer Reise sind dabei die Raumverhältnisse zwischen Innen/Außen, Oben/Unten und Offen/Geschlossen.
