Blog | Jerusalem

13. Juli 2020

How We Accidentally Became Pandemic Communication Researchers

Dr. Daniela Stoltenberg | Prof. Dr. Barbara Pfetsch | Prof. Dr. Annie Waldherr | Maya de Vries Kedem | Hadas Gur-Ze’ev | Neta Kligler-Vilenchik

With the Covid-19 pandemic touching all parts of life, academic research has not been an exception. Even for researchers who are able to maintain access to their field – for instance, through online research – considerable changes in the objects of study force them to rethink their research questions and study designs as they go along. The team behind CRC project B05 “Translocal Networks” reflects on their experiences of conducting a survey of intense Twitter users at the height of the first Covid-19 wave in Jerusalem.

5. November 2019

Raum-Matrix des Westjordanlands

Hannah Wolf

Hannah Wolf, die am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Soziologie an der Universität Potsdam promoviert und am SFB 1265 „Re-Figuration von Räumen“ assoziiert ist, berichtet in diesem Blogbeitrag von ihrem Aufenthalt im Westjordanland. Das Leitmotiv ihrer Reise sind dabei die Raumverhältnisse zwischen Innen/Außen, Oben/Unten und Offen/Geschlossen.
