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28. Juli 2023

Visual impressions from fieldwork in Lagos

Francesca Ceola

A thin line between ethics and aesthetics haunts these reflections on field research in an African city, approached through the positionality of a researcher from a European context. Based on some visual impressions encountered during the fieldwork, the researcher Francesca Ceola retraces the process of reorientation in a place geographically and culturally very far away from her habitat recognizing what she knows in what she sees. In doing so, she contests the abstraction of “going to do fieldwork” as separate from everyday scientific practices.

20. April 2020

May You Live In Interesting Times

Dr. Martin Schinagl

Covid19 takes a toll on everyone's life and routines, affecting the vulnerable and (to a lesser extent) even the privileged who always got around disasters in one way or another. At the level of everyday life, the spatial and temporal patterns of movement are changing, forming in their own way a pandemic choreography that reflects the societal conditions under Corona. This post by Martin Schinagl maps and reflects on these changes.

7. April 2020

Die verordnete Refiguration des Selbst

Dr. Michael Wetzels

Welche Konsequenzen haben die Verordnung des ‚Social Distancing‘ für die Gesellschaft? Anhand (auto-)ethnographischer Notizen und Bildern werden insbesondere die ambivalenten Spannungen der Menschen zueinander, die veränderten Interaktionsordnungen, thematisiert. COVID-19 verändert die affektiven Strukturen der Lebenswelt, Bruch und Routinen werden am eigenen Leibkörper positiv wie negativ spürbar und die Gesellschaft steuert nun auf eine unsichere Zukunft zu.
