
12. Juli 2024

The Digital Space of Berlin’s Housing Market: A Look at Twitter 

Dr. Daniela Stoltenberg

In digital media, places are often invoked in political debates. Over time, these conjunctions of locations and issues can shape our understanding of where pressing public concerns, like the housing crisis, are truly located and must be addressed. Daniela Stoltenberg dives into this dynamic in her new book, exploring how Twitter users locate the housing crisis. She shows how housing is constructed as an issue that arises in the urban center, but can be solved in the periphery.

21. Juni 2024

You are Kōsa: Thinking with the Yellow Sand. 

Margherita Tess

This blog article explores the elusive materiality of the Yellow Sand phenomenon: The sandy dust that originates in the Gobi Desert and travels above all of Asia, carrying hazardous components. What does it mean to ethnographically research something barely visible? What happens if we take Yellow Sand’s materiality seriously? How do we write about a phenomenon with no clear spatial or temporal boundaries? Here, CRC 1265 researcher Margherita Tess reflects on ethnography's communicative possibilities for dealing with hyper-objects, the atmospheric, and the refiguration of spaces in the Capitalo-Anthropocene.

31. Mai 2024

The Regionalization of Cyberspace: Regional Internet Registries and their Impact on Internet Governance

Dr. Sezgin Sönmez

The following blog aims to reflect on the notion of regionalization in the context of multistakeholder Internet governance by briefly highlighting the history of the Regional Internet Registries as a specific figuration between conflicting territorial and network logics.

10. Mai 2024

Two Christmases in Ukraine: Should the celebrations be seperated to unite the country?

Olena Kononenko

The blog post reflects on the transformational changes in the Ukrainian society following the transition of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) to the Revised Julian calendar. Analyzing the contested religious situation in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine, Olena Kononenko highlights both the general features of social-religious processes and the spatial differences of religious attitudes through the lens of personal experience during her last trip to Kyiv.

19. April 2024

“Making a film is a political act” — An Interview with CRC 1265 guest researcher Ata Messan KOFFI

Ata Messan Koffi | Zoé Perko

The process of writing and producing a movie plays out in an arena with diverging political agendas. From the production to the final outcome, films about irregular migration from West Africa are often distorted to fit certain narratives and agencies. Ata Messan Koffi, a Togolese researcher, film producer, and guest researcher at the CRC 1265, illustrates this dynamic by shedding light on his conflictual field of research.

29. März 2024

Mapping as a Research Tool: How to Empirically Grasp the Refiguration of Spaces?

Dr. Carolin Genz | Sophie Krone | Dr. Séverine Marguin

By creating maps, researchers can gain insights into the social and cultural dimensions of urban, rural, hybrid, and mediated landscapes. Mapping can also be used to analyze historical changes, and to monitor ongoing changes and future developments. The objective of our workshop was to create space for transfer and exchange, especially about the interdisciplinary experience and body of knowledge produced in the first phase of the CRC. The different disciplinary backgrounds of the speakers demonstrate the transdisciplinary potential of mapping methods for the research of socio-spatial phenomena.

15. März 2024

Eine ganz normale Wiese!? Wie sich mit angepflockten Kühen, Vogelnistkästen und Insektenblühstreifen ländliche Räume neu denken lassen.

Carl-Jan Dihlmann

Eine Wiese in einem kleinen mecklenburgischen Dorf. Hier gibt es Enten, Gänse, Ornitholog:innen, Bienen, Schmetterlinge, Naturliebhaber:innen, Vogelnistkästen und einiges andere. Es klingt nach ländlicher Idylle. Carl-Jan Dihlmann und Ilse Helbrecht zeigen in ihrem Artikel „Ländliche Räume als relationale Gefüge. Argumente für eine ontologische Wende in der Ländlichkeitsforschung“ jedoch, dass bei genauerem Hinsehen ländliche Räume durchaus komplexer sind, als es der herkömmliche Fokus auf Naturnähe und Landwirtschaft nahelegt. Im Blogbeitrag stellt Carl-Jan Dihlmann das in der Geographischen Zeitschrift erschiene Paper vor und gibt Einblicke in die Entstehung eines wissenschaftlichen Fachartikels.

23. Februar 2024

Waterbodies: flows, space, and other stuff

Afra Foli

What is your favorite waterbody? What do you like about it? Chances are that you thought of a lake or a river, maybe even an entire ocean. For the collaborative workshop at the CRC 1265 on ‘water, flows, space, and other stuff’, Moritz Kasper and Afra Foli decided to use the notion of ‘waterbody’ to talk about slightly unorthodox containers of water: an urban river-turned-drain in Accra and bright yellow jerry cans in Nairobi.
