Blog | Mobilität & Konflikt

15. April 2022

Smart, Fortified, and Shifting Borders. Recent Developments in Borders and Border Control.

Dr. Fabian Gülzau

Territorial borders and border control are back on the political agenda. Globalization has not led to a world without borders. On the contrary, states have expanded the bordering function by fortifying borders, externalizing border control, and introducing digital “smart borders.” This blog post provides an overview of recent trends in borders and border control. The special issue “Borders as Places of Control. Fixing, Shifting, and Reinventing State Borders” of the journal Historical Social Research expands on these considerations.

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11. Februar 2022

Wandelndes Klima, wachsende Zäune: Wie Klimaflucht, Konflikte und Grenzbefestigungen zusammenhängen

Kristina Korte

Im November 2020 verwüstete der Wirbelsturm Eta Zentralamerika. Einige Monate später erzählt ein Zeitungsartikel die Geschichte von Byron, einem Familienvater aus Guatemala, dessen Dorf überschwemmt wurde und der daraufhin in die USA emigrierte, um dort Geld für den Wiederaufbau seines Hauses zu verdienen (Abbott 2021). Guatemala befindet sich in einer ökonomischen Krise und die versprochenen Hilfen der Regierung an die Flutopfer blieben aus. So blieb für Byron und viele andere als einziger Ausweg die Flucht in Richtung USA. Der Wirbelsturm – dessen Heftigkeit auf den Klimawandel zurückzuführen ist (Ernst 2020) – war ein erneuter Auslöser für Emigration aus Guatemala.

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12. November 2021

Automating vehicles is a solution for … what? Five theses concerning automation, public spaces and public involvement in an emerging technology

Volkan Sayman

In this article, I will present five theses concerning the ongoing race for bringing automated vehicles on public roads. Some of my theses are quite disillusioning, some provide hope for a better future of urban mobility with fewer private cars, some concern seemingly “technical” details. What underlies my thinking is the fact that in a field like automated driving, where technical and regulative norms are still evolving and being recalibrated, new technical norms introduce new social norms on our roads, and they enable wholly new patterns of mobility behavior. I study technological innovations as phenomena which are developed within society, within existing power relations, and within constantly changing societal norms and beliefs of what is a “good”, “achievable” or a “bad” future. In most cases, new technologies are presented as means for achieving a better future within a society.

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29. Oktober 2021

The Way of the Bikerni: Women and Motorbikes in Urban India

Maddalena Chiellini

Delhi is considered a dangerous city when it comes to women’s mobility. Episodes of violence like the bus gang-rape of 2012 are a symptom of a city inscribed with gender inequality, especially in relation to accessing public space. In this contribution, I explore the experiences and relationship with mobility of the members of a ladies-only motorcycle club, the Bikerni. By looking at their hardships and successes, this blog post aims to convey how biking is a conflagration point for more than just patriarchal relations of power.

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20. August 2021

Die fahrradfreundliche Stadt für alle? Überlegungen zu Ein- und Ausschlüssen der aktuellen Radverkehrsentwicklung in Berlin

Maximilian Hoor

Die Verkehrswende in Berlin scheint zum Greifen nahe und der Radverkehr erlebt seit Jahren einen rasanten Bedeutungsgewinn in Wissenschaft, Politik, Planung und Kultur. Der Beitrag greift aktuelle Entwicklungen des Radverkehrs auf und ordnet diese in den Kontext verkehrs- und stadtpolitischer Debatten ein. Es geht um die Frage, welchen Beitrag ein inklusiv gestalteter Radverkehr für die Verkehrswende und die lebenswerte Stadt leisten kann, und welche Herausforderungen sich dabei stellen.

6. August 2021

Infrastructural violence in Johannesburg’s taxi industry

Silvia Danielak

Since the emergence of ride-hailing applications, South African urban centers have seen a rise in violence between the traditional metered taxis and the new ride-share services. Hundreds of criminal cases have been opened over the last years, and protests organized by ride-hailing drivers have drawn attention to the rising tension in the transport industry. A focus on urban infrastructure might shed new light on the history, politics and materiality of places that perpetuate violence in South Africa’s cities.
