Blog | Reisebericht

10. Januar 2025

What does theory have to do with anything? Between our theoretical ruminations on “ruralities” and spatial practices at the rural Thai-Myanmar border

Jae-Young Lee

How does spatial theory inform spatial practice? What can we, as practitioners, gain from reading a scientific paper? The following lines are a personal reflection on our recent CRC 1265 working paper on multiple understandings of rurality and its links and parallels to the practice of Gyaw Gyaw, a locally-run architectural NGO located at the rural Thai-Myanmar border.

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2. August 2024

Encounters with a humanitarian agency 

Qusay Amer

In Jordan, many refugees from various backgrounds seek asylum. However, the limited resources and the interconnectedness of social, political, and economic crises, all exacerbated by climate change, lead to frustration and increased competition between the different refugee groups, as well as between the refugees and the host community. This has resulted in complaints and blame being directed at authorities and international actors, aggravating spatial conflicts within the refugee communities. This vignette shows some of the stories that CRC doctoral researcher Qusay Amer collected during his fieldwork in Amman, in the context of a workshop titled “Data justice for refugees.”

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21. Juni 2024

You are Kōsa: Thinking with the Yellow Sand. 

Margherita Tess

This blog article explores the elusive materiality of the Yellow Sand phenomenon: The sandy dust that originates in the Gobi Desert and travels above all of Asia, carrying hazardous components. What does it mean to ethnographically research something barely visible? What happens if we take Yellow Sand’s materiality seriously? How do we write about a phenomenon with no clear spatial or temporal boundaries? Here, CRC 1265 researcher Margherita Tess reflects on ethnography's communicative possibilities for dealing with hyper-objects, the atmospheric, and the refiguration of spaces in the Capitalo-Anthropocene.

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2. Februar 2024

The Role of Urban Informal Food Systems in Ensuring Food Security for the Population in Nairobi

Cecilia Weissenhorn

From August 2nd to 12th, a group of Kenyan and German students conducted the fieldwork of their study project in Nairobi, Kenya. The main goal was to explore the food system in the urban region of Kasarani, a constituency of Nairobi. Various methods, such as mapping and interviews, were used to gain insights into the food security status of the local people and the different factors that influence it.

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12. Januar 2024

A Field trip with EcoGovLab in Imperial Valley, California

Francisco Aguilera

This blog post is a field report of the author’s trip with the University of California Irvine’s EcoGovLab to the Salton Sea in California. Based on this field trip a few miles from Desert Hot Springs, near the San Andreas Fault, the article focuses on the non-human dimension in the figuration of spaces in the Anthropocene and the challenges posed by harmful entanglements that require alternative research approaches and close university-community relationships.

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20. Oktober 2023

Travelogue to the Edinburgh Botanic Garden

Seminar “Nature, Space and Biopolitics: Understanding the Conservation Regime in Planetary Urbanism” (Summer Semester 2023, TU Berlin)

In this blog post, CRC members Séverine Marguin and Jamie-Scott Baxter reflect on a trip they took with their students to the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh as part of the project seminar "Nature, Space and Biopolitics: Understanding the Conservation Regime in Planetary Urbanism." With the aim of investigating the refiguration of the modern institution of the botanic garden in the face of multiple socio-environmental crises, they summarize the key insights they gained by comparing two of the most important European botanic gardens from an interdisciplinary perspective: the Botanical Garden in Berlin and the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh.

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18. August 2023

„Fühlt sich fast an wie im Mathegebäude“

Simon Pohl | Christina Hecht

Die Mitarbeiter:innen vom Projekt zu Raumkonflikten und Plattformökonomie haben Anfang des Jahres einen sechswöchigen Feldaufenthalt in Kapstadt, Südafrika verbracht. Anhand dieser kurzen spatial vignette werfen Simon Pohl und Christina Hecht kurze Schlaglichter auf die Erfahrungen, die sie dort sammeln konnten – sowohl im Hinblick auf Fragestellungen des Projektes, als auch darüber hinaus.

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28. Juli 2023

Visual impressions from fieldwork in Lagos

Francesca Ceola

A thin line between ethics and aesthetics haunts these reflections on field research in an African city, approached through the positionality of a researcher from a European context. Based on some visual impressions encountered during the fieldwork, the researcher Francesca Ceola retraces the process of reorientation in a place geographically and culturally very far away from her habitat recognizing what she knows in what she sees. In doing so, she contests the abstraction of “going to do fieldwork” as separate from everyday scientific practices.
