Blog | Methoden

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13. Dezember 2024

Decolonizing knowledge production in Dakar, Senegal

Elettra Griesi

This blog post aims to reflect on the ways in which the decolonization of knowledge can be actively pursued through the co-production of research. It focuses on examples from the author’s own research activities in the field of cultural anthropology in a historically marginalized district of Dakar (Senegal). The blog post also discusses the challenges posed by research co-production in terms of methodological issues of validity and legitimacy, as well as challenges that endangered the field research (e. g., power relations among the research participants, the tendency to gain individual control over the project, gender biases that implicitly shape the design and implementation process).

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30. August 2024

How we took our cases to the “Comparison Clinic” – A report

Christina Hecht

In June 2024, four CRC projects brought their empirical cases to the “Comparison Clinic”. Together with guest researcher Jennifer Robinson and CRC PIs Séverine Marguin and Silke Steets, this workshop invited the participants to explore the prospects of comparative analysis. This report summarizes the discussions and highlights how valuable comparisons are for the development of concepts such as refiguration.

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29. März 2024

Mapping as a Research Tool: How to Empirically Grasp the Refiguration of Spaces?

Dr. Carolin Genz | Sophie Krone | Dr. Séverine Marguin

By creating maps, researchers can gain insights into the social and cultural dimensions of urban, rural, hybrid, and mediated landscapes. Mapping can also be used to analyze historical changes, and to monitor ongoing changes and future developments. The objective of our workshop was to create space for transfer and exchange, especially about the interdisciplinary experience and body of knowledge produced in the first phase of the CRC. The different disciplinary backgrounds of the speakers demonstrate the transdisciplinary potential of mapping methods for the research of socio-spatial phenomena.

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23. Februar 2024

Waterbodies: flows, space, and other stuff

Afra Foli

What is your favorite waterbody? What do you like about it? Chances are that you thought of a lake or a river, maybe even an entire ocean. For the collaborative workshop at the CRC 1265 on ‘water, flows, space, and other stuff’, Moritz Kasper and Afra Foli decided to use the notion of ‘waterbody’ to talk about slightly unorthodox containers of water: an urban river-turned-drain in Accra and bright yellow jerry cans in Nairobi.

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20. Oktober 2023

Travelogue to the Edinburgh Botanic Garden

Seminar “Nature, Space and Biopolitics: Understanding the Conservation Regime in Planetary Urbanism” (Summer Semester 2023, TU Berlin)

In this blog post, CRC members Séverine Marguin and Jamie-Scott Baxter reflect on a trip they took with their students to the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh as part of the project seminar "Nature, Space and Biopolitics: Understanding the Conservation Regime in Planetary Urbanism." With the aim of investigating the refiguration of the modern institution of the botanic garden in the face of multiple socio-environmental crises, they summarize the key insights they gained by comparing two of the most important European botanic gardens from an interdisciplinary perspective: the Botanical Garden in Berlin and the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh.

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29. September 2023

Puzzling Spaces and Theoretical Puzzles: Working with Spatial Figures in Project C07

Christina Hecht | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kirchner

Working in the CRC challenges us to translate the broad framework of spatial theory into our empirical work. In this blogpost, we illustrate how we handle this challenge in our project.

31. Juli 2023

„Karten und Pläne sind immer ein Machtinstrument“

Dr. Séverine Marguin | aufgezeichnet von Céline Lauer

Stadtpläne, U-Bahn-Netze, Google Maps: Kartierungen von Räumen sind aus dem Alltag nicht wegzudenken. Doch auch Forschende können mit Mappings ganz neue Wege einschlagen, findet Séverine Marguin. Hier erklärt die Soziologin, wie Wissenschaftler:innen des SFB mit diesem Werkzeug arbeiten, warum die Kommunikation via Kartierung oft sogar besser gelingt – und weshalb man sich von den hübsch anzuschauenden Plänen nicht täuschen lassen darf.

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10. März 2023

Visualizing Narrative Spaces

Claudia Mock | Simone Rueß

On the 22nd of November, 2022, Claudia Mock from the Methods-Lab of the CRC 1265 organized the hybrid lecture and workshop “Visualizing Narrative Spaces” with the visual artist Simone Rueß, who shared insights into her work, which deals with the inscription of politics into urban structures, home-making practices and memory processes within biographical narrations, contextualized through drawings, animations, objects and installations. In this blog post, Simone Rueß reflects on the hybrid workshop, which was conceived as a performative narrative in which diverse participants from various disciplines developed individual visual approaches in a collective action.
